Upper Nicola’s Social Development
Upper Nicola’s social development department provides temporary support to eligible clients in need who live within the community. Two of the guiding principles of the program are respect and confidentiality.
To receive income assistance, clients must meet specific eligibility requirements, as the social development department is guided by service standards. While receiving benefits, clients are responsible for completing all required documents, disclosing all required information, using all available resources to support themselves before applying for income assistance, and promptly informing the department of any personal or household changes that may affect eligibility.
If a client is able to work, they are responsible for seeking work at all times, participating in employability programs, and working toward complete independence. We are also able to assist clients that are unable to work with the application of disability programs.
Our department is also able to issue support and shelter allowances to assist with basic needs. There is also a ‘special needs’ category that may allow assistance with work clothes, work transportation, covering the cost of training programs, and emergency supplies. Under special circumstances, home repairs may also be approved if the repair is classified as a health and safety issue.
Income Assistance Provides:
- Basic On Reserve Income Assistance
- Person with Persistent Multiple Barriers
- Persons with Disabilities
- New – Monthly Nutritional Supplement
- Adult In-Home Care (income tested)
- Child Out of Parental Home (Grandfather Clause only)
Basic Income Assistance:
Income assistance is temporary funds to assist with basic needs of food and shelter until one is able to regain financial independence. The program is income tested. When calling to make an appointment please keep in mind it takes 7-10 business days to process a complete application. If forms or information is missing from the file, it will delay processing.
Eligibility for Basic Income Assistance:
- Must be between the ages of 19 and 64
- Must provide proof of financial need
- Live on one of the Upper Nicola Band Reserves.
- Applicant can be status or non-status, and does not need to be a band member
How to Apply for Income Assistance:
Call and make an appointment – 250.378.5058
During the COVID-19 outbreak, we will only be contacting clients through phone and email in order to respect the Physical Distancing required to minimize the spread.
Pick up application package at local Health Department. During the Covid-19 outbreak, you must call to schedule pickup of a package.
Definition of Income:
Earned income – wages, rent payments to you, fishing, carving, self-employed income
Unearned income – EI, honorariums, Worker’s Compensation payments, ICBC claims, Bingo or gambling winnings
Keeping Your File Open:
Hand in a signed Renewal slip (if you have a partner – they need to sign form, too)
Hand in a copy of your monthly active Employment Action Plan
If you get a notice from the IA worker about missing information, ensure the information is into the worker ASAP so as not to delay monthly Income Assistance cheque
Update your worker on any changes to your situation or income
Persons with Multiple Barriers (PPMB):
- Must have an active income assistance file for 12 out of 15 consecutive months
- The medical condition must exist for a minimum of 2 years
- You will need to pick up the form from your Band Social Development Worker and return to him or her when completed by your doctor
- The program will pay the service charge from the doctor so please make sure his billing information is completed
- The file is reviewed every 2 years
Persons with Disabilities (PWD):
- Medical condition will exist for more than 2 years
- Your Band Social Development worker will need to request the form
When you get the form have your medical doctor fill in his section and you will need to complete your section. The program will pay the service charge from the doctor so please make sure his billing information is complete. When completed return to your BSDW for him or her to complete their section and mail out for adjudication. Watch the mail for the letter informing you of the decision.
Employable clients = Employable clients are allowed to earn $400/month without it being deducted from your support/IA.
Shelter Rates:
The shelter rate is equal to off reserve income assistance rates. The payment is for actual documented costs for:
- Rent/ mortgage payments
- Hydro
- Heat
- Basic telephone rental
Monthly Nutritional Supplement:
The Monthly Nutritional Supplement allowances are available to PWD classified clients only.
These clients must have a chronic, progressive deterioration of their health, due to severe medical conditions. The extra funds of the Monthly Nutritional Supplement allowance assists with the costs of additional nutritional items that supplement the clients regular diet. In order to be eligible, the client must ensure they have no other funds available to cover these dietary supplements; as well as be on Income Assistance.
Please note that to be eligible for this allowance, a proper application must be filled in by your doctor and returned to your worker for processing. The Monthly Nutritional Supplement program will pay the service charge from your doctor, so please make sure his/her billing information is completed. After returning the filled-in form to your worker, the form is mailed to an adjudicator, accompanied by note from the clients’ doctor.
The natal allowances are eligible six months before birth through six months after birth.