Pursuing Opportunities
Upper Nicola Holdings Limited Partnership is a registered partnership between the Upper Nicola Band and Upper Nicola Indian Band Corporation. The primary business focus of the partnership is to pursue opportunities arising from agreements signed between Upper Nicola Band and government or third parties conducting business on the Traditional Territory of UNB. As UNB’s partner UNIBC strives to maximize economic and social benefits from all opportunities.
UNHLP is also developing 400 Acres of UNB designated reserve lands at Nicola Lake IR No.1. Projects currently being explored include a 15MW Solar Farm in partnership with the Okanagan Nation Alliance and Fortis BC, a Medical Cannabis Production Facility and a Data Storage Facility.
UNIBC operations are overseen by a three-member Board of Directors and the acting CEO Ron Zeilstra.
Current board members are: Kim Baird – President, Matt Pasco – Vice-President, Sukhvinder Chohan.