Stewardship Department
Upper Nicola’s stewardship department began as an Aboriginal Interest Project (AIP) in 2000 through innovative forestry practices funding in the Merritt timber supply area for cultural heritage resource research and mapping.
In 2008, the AIP was re-named and became the cultural heritage resource (CHR) department, which in 2024 was re-organized into the stewardship department. Within the department, one side works with UNB Title and Rights and the other continues the department’s work with existing clients, species at risk, water, forestry, and youth education.

The Stewardship Department Provides Services in the Following Areas:
- Technical support/research for Chief and Council in Aboriginal title and rights assertions, consultation, and natural resource negotiations
- Work with the natural resource department to ensure UNB’s consultation procedures and policies are followed by government and industry for referrals (e.g. forestry, mining, wind farm explorations, etc.)
- Identifying culturally sensitive areas and developing recommendations for their protection and/or mitigation of impacts
Our stewardship department also manages cultural heritage projects (e.g. traditional use studies, Aboriginal interest use studies, archaeology overview assessments, archaeology impact assessments, wildlife surveys, environmental assessments, etc.), and ensures Upper Nicola has input for heritage impact management plans and site-specific protection plans (including chance find procedures) for archaeology or cultural heritage sites/resources found during monitoring of construction activities in our territory.
Mary Ann Androlick
Stewardship Department Manager
Lynne Jorgesen
Senior Researcher
Loretta Holmes
Senior Resource Technician
Leteesh Archachan
Resource Technician (on leave)
- Manage consultation on developments within UNB territory: referral responses, cultural and environmental monitoring;
- Manage and participate in research projects within UNB territories (Archaeology, Traditional Use Studies, Wildlife/Fish/plant surveys, etc.);
- Provide support to UNB Chief and Council in Aboriginal Title and rights negotiations;
- Develop and implement policies relating to consultation, protection and management of UNB’s cultural, heritage and intellectual property rights;
- Maintain UNB’s Cultural Knowledge Keeper database.