Currently there are 165 homes on the reserve – 17 rentals, 3 teacherage units, 6 band owned units, 9 rent to own units, and 26 BC Housing & Upper Nicola Housing society units. The Upper Nicola Housing department utilizes five housing policies named the following:
- Rental Policy
- Rent to Own Policy & Procedures
- Privately Owned Policy & Procedures
- Market Based Policy & Procedures
- BC Housing & Upper Nicola Housing Society Rental Policy
The purpose of the rental housing program, hereinafter referred to as the rental program, for the Upper Nicola Band is to provide band members with accommodation that meets health, safety and minimum property standards. This housing policy shall guide the delivery and administration of rental housing to ensure housing assistance is made available to band members in a fair and equitable manner.
The rent to own housing program provides accommodation in single detached homes. Where an Upper Nicola Band member has signed an agreement for the home with Upper Nicola Band the agreement includes a rent to own option. The rent to own option is intended to assist eligible Upper Nicola Band members who are not in a position to purchase or build their own home but can reasonably be expected to assume full responsibility for costs and upkeep of the home by the end of the agreement period.
The private ownership policy relates to housing units that are located within Upper Nicola Band reserve lands that are privately owned by individuals, and not owned by Upper Nicola Band. The purpose of the private ownership policy is to confirm the responsibilities for privately owned units located within Upper Nicola Band lands.
New Construction
Build your own house to your preference on approved UNB land lot.
In this section of the program Max Loan $300,000 for Max Amortization 25 years, Down payment 5% cash, and 1% UNB Fee.
New Purchase
This section you can purchase an existing house from UNB Member but keep in mind that renovations needed must be included in the loan.
Or you could New purchase a module and place on approved UNB land lot. Max Loan $300,000 for Max Amortization 25 years, Down payment 5% cash and UNB Fee 1%.
Renovate your own home to suit your style and needs. In this section of the program Min Loan $5,000, Max Loan $50,000, Max Amortization 10 years, Down payment $0, and UNB Fee 1%.
The purpose of the policy is to guide delivery and administration of the housing program developed between Upper Nicola Band Housing Society and BC Housing.
Please See Attached Documents:
See the attached UNB Housing Department Documents that will provide you information about the program and services offered by Upper Nicola’s Housing department.
Please Call to Make an Appointment!
Contact Information: Cliff Chillihitzia, Housing Manager
Phone: 250-350-3342 ext 244 | Email: housing@uppernicola.com
Contact Information: Elaine Paul, Housing Tenant Relations Officer
Phone: 250-350-3342 ext 256 | Email: h.relations@uppernicola.com